Today at the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole planning committee meeting, Fortitudo secured a resounding outline approval for the development on Glen Fern Road.
The scheme was valiantly supported by the Bournemouth BID, Ward Councillor Mike Greene and Fortitudo CEO Richard Carr, overturning the planning officer’s recommendation for refusal and paving the way for an 8 votes to 5 success, in favour of granting the development permission.
The approved scheme will bring forward 494 new homes to the centre of Bournemouth as well as a wide range of leisure facilities and a new 104 bedroom hotel. Richard Carr, CEO of Fortitudo said, “This is a pivotal moment in our journey to regenerate Bournemouth town centre. The next milestone for Fortitudo and our joint venture partner, Interceptor Opportunities Limited, is to get this delivered.”
During the debate amongst councillors, the scheme was called ‘a lifeline’ as well as being likened to the ‘Sydney Opera House’, with many labelling the scheme ‘iconic’ and highlighting its ability to become a focal point of the town.